The Convention Yearbook Program is intended to help defray the cost of Convention for young men throughout Arizona. Each Individual/Chapter receives a share of the booklet ad sales sold by their Chapter. In 2023, this share amount increases with the more ads you sell.
Share last year's Convention Booklet with your donors and new prospects. All new in 2023, full color ads.
2022 Convention Yearbook (Example)
Two ways to buy:
1) Download the Convention Yearbook Ad Form below and get your Chapter started today. This year, we have also offer "Shout-Out" Ad Forms whereby parents or interested parties can profile their son or daughter with a special ad.
2) Purchase Online. Use the PayPal on the left column and submit your ad artwork directly to the Yearbook Editor via the e-mail provided.
Ad Deadline: June 1st, 2023
Please email AdBooklet@azdemolay.org
Standard Ad Form
Family Shout-Out Form